Friday, December 5, 2008

Dancers in 10 O'Clock Class...

Any dancer in the 10:00 class that needs a cape for their costume... please sign up at the bar so we know how many need to be made.

Reminder to all: Unwanted ghillies can be donated! Bring them in and put them in the donation box.

Friday, November 21, 2008

December News

December Dates:
December 6th and 13. 
We only have two classes in December due to holiday parties and activities. We will have extra classes in January.

January Dates:
3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th

ICS Christmas Party
This year the party is scheduled for December 14. All dancers and their families are invited to attend. I will forward all info as soon as it becomes available. {Check here for updates!}

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Adult Ceili Classes Begin Thursday November 13!

All are invited to attend! No experience necessary!

Ceili is traditional Irish group dancing that began during the Cultural Revolution in Ireland. This form of dancing promotes socialization and Irish cultural preservation.

Instructors: Caitlin Costello and Kielan O'Boyle

Time: 6:30 - 7:30 PM
Dates: November 13, 20
December 4, 11, 18

Location: Irish Cultural Society
1301 Beech St
Scranton, PA 18505
(570) 347-3746

Cost:  $5 per class
We encourage you to participate in all classes, but you do not need to commit to every class.

Please wear "comfy" clothing - yoga pants, sweats, t-shirts, socks!, ballet/jazz shoes {not required}. Avoid clothing that is too baggy or constricting, especially jeans.

If you have any questions, please email Kielan. We hope to see you soon!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Notes from Parent's Meeting

Notes from the 10/25/08 Parent's meeting are available here.

Monday, October 20, 2008

October News

October Dance Dates:
18th and 25th

November Dance Dates:
1st, 8th and 15th

Parents Meeting:
On Saturday, October 25th, there will be a series of Parents meetings. I will meet with each of the classes during regular class times in the buffet room. I will be addressing costumes, recital and fundraisers. Please make every effort to attend.

Clothing Sale:
Our clothing sale has begun! I am very excited about this year's products. Not only is the design beautifully embroidered, but the items are reasonably priced. Please take an order form {or download it here} and look over the items. All orders are due back with payment by Nov. 1st to ensure Christmas delivery. If you would like a name embroidered on any item, please print the name on the bottom of the order form and add $5.00 to your total. Please specify where you would like the name placed. Please place your order form and payment in a sealed envelope and place it in the order box on the bar. We also have some samples to view and a sample sheet with all the items. If you have any questions, please contact me.

Adult Ceili Dance:
Caitlin C. and Kielan O'B. will be starting a Thursday night adult class very soon. More details will follow. They are looking for some participation from all the Moms and Dads. It is a great way to meet some other parents in the school and it's a great work-out!

The Blog:
Now that the colder weather is upon us, please remember to check the blog before leaving your house if the weather is not good. I will post weather related cancellations on the blog usually the night before dance, or first thing in the morning. If you cannot access the blog, please call the ICS in the morning. I am usually there by 9:15. The number is 347-3746.

Judy Schofield Tugend
I'm sure you have all seen the flyer on the bar regarding Judy Schofield Tugend. Judy, her twin sisters, my sister and I were some of the original O'Connor School Irish Stepdancers. Her parents, Ruth and the late Roy were founding members of the Irish Cultural Society, and avid supporters of the dancers. I have known this family for the better part of my life and have always known them to step up and help those in need.

I am asking the dancing families to help Judy and her family now. Judy is a wife and a mother and cannot work due to her condition. I am hoping that every family will donate something to help defray Judy's medical bills. Please place your donation in the envelope on the bar marked "Judy Tugend". I will collect donations this week and next week and then the dancers' fund will match those donations and give it to Judy's family.

Please be as generous as you can. Thank you and God bless you for your generosity.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

September News

Welcome Back! 
This year I have reorganized all the classes. I will be doing some different excercises and drills with each class. Your dancer may complain about sore feet and legs, but it won't last long.

In addition to myself, Caitlin and Kielan will be teaching each class. Both Caitlin and Kielan are former ICS Stepdancers. I have also added 2 student assistants to help in each class. Elizabeth C., and Colleen C.

Class Schedule
September 6, 20 and 27
October 4, 18 and 25
November 1, 8 and 15

A parents' meeting will be held in late October to discuss upcoming events. More info will follow.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Fall Classes

Classes will begin on September 6. September classes:
6th, 20th, 27th.

Just a reminder to please in your registration forms prior to the first Saturday class. All dancers need to be registered. The fee is $20/dancer. Please send your forms as soon as possible to make the first day run smoothly. {email us if you need a mailing address}

See you in September!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Summer News

July Dates:
There is a change in the dates for July:
We will dance on the 1st and the 8th.
There will be no Ceili camp.

August Dates:

Camp this week is going very well, and I would like to try some of the new techniques we are using with the entire school. Therefore, instead of having regular classes on Tuesday, I am going to hold 2 workshops in August.

August 4 from 10:30 - 12:30 for any dancer in the 5:45 summer class.

August 5 from 10:30 - 12:30 for any dancer in the 6:45 summer class.

Pre-registration is required for these workshops.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Reminder - Dance tonight - June 3

Just a reminder, Summer classes start tonight.

June: 3rd & 10th
July: 1st & 15th

9/9:30 classes: 5:45 - 6:30
1:00 class: 6:45 - 8
The 10:15 class is very small and will be divided between the other two class times. This is ONLY for the summer. The children will be told which class to attend. NO ONE is being promoted or demoted! We are merely regrouping for the summer. In September the dancers will be assigned a new time.

Also, new students may join for the summer months.

Friday, May 16, 2008

No Dance May 17

Dancers and Parents
There will be no dance on Saturday, May 17th.
My Mother-in Law passed away Thursday night.
We will resume classes in June.
Thank you.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

May News

After this month, we will be on our summer schedule. The schedule will follow. Classes will be held on Tuesday evenings, twice a month.

June: 3rd & 10th
July: 1st & 15th

9/9:30 classes: 5:45 - 6:30
1:00 class: 6:45 - 8
The 10:15 class is very small and will be divided between the other two class times. This is ONLY for the summer. The children will be told which class to attend. NO ONE is being promoted or demoted! We are merely regrouping for the summer. In September the dancers will be assigned a new time.

Summer Camp
Beginner Camp: June 30 - July 3 from 9:30 - 11. Cost $70/person
Open to all new dancers and any dancer in the 9/9:30 classes. This year we will be doing something a little different at camp. Not only will we be doing 2-3's and 7's and basic steps, but we are going to do rhythmic training. This is a unique way to help the dancers keep time to various beats in music. Please inform Doodie if your child is planning to attend so I have enough student assistants available.

Ceili Camp: July 7 - 11th from 6:00 - 7:30pm. Cost $50/person
Open to anyone age 12 and up. Adults welcome! This camp is going to be a continuation of the winter Ceili classes. Please register for camp with Doodie, or by calling or emailing. Payment is not due until the first class.

Enjoy your summer and keep checking the blog for summer performances.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

April 27 Performance

On Sunday, April 27, we were asked to dance at the Mellow Theater at 2pm for the O'Flaherty Concert. The older girls will do the primary performance, but he would like to have the younger dancers on stage as well to participate in the program. The details are still a little sketchy, but please let me know at dance today if you are interested in participating.

Friday, April 18, 2008

April News - May Dates

May Dance Dates:
May 3, 10 and 17.

After Memorial Day we will start our Tuesday night classes for the summer. Also, we will be having a few summer camps! Dates coming next month.

Auction: A list of donated items is on the bar. Please be sure to get your donations and raffle tickets in by April 26. Please buy your tickets for the auction soon so we can have plenty of refreshments.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Outgrown Ghillies and Hardshoes

If anyone has outgrown ghillies or hardshoes that they're willing to donate, please bring them in to dance. The shoes will be put in a box at dance, and anyone can check the box to see if there is a pair that fits when they need to trade up to a larger size. Thank you.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Raffle Tickets

Parents who have sold their raffle tickets or need additional tickets need to see Patty Carr at dance this Saturday. A few parents haven't picked up their tickets yet, if you haven't received tickets please make sure to meet Patty this weekend. We would like all tickets sold for the drawing at the auction......Thanks for your anticipated cooperation.......

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Due to a personal scheduling conflict, there will be no dance on Saturday, March 29. We will resume classes on April 5.

Please remember that our auction is April 26, and we need your donations for it to be a success. You may bring them in starting April 5.

Parade capes will be collected on April 12. Please pass this information on to those without the internet!

Thanks... Maureen

Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy St. Pat's Day!

No rain on our parade!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Happy Parade Day!


Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Parade Info {Part 2}

If you are participating in the Mass, please meet in the basement of Cathedral rectory at 9:15. All others, please meet at the corner of Mulberry and Wyoming at 11:00 a.m., wearing tan pants, dress shoes, a white turtleneck and the cape. If it is cold, you may wear a coat under the cape. White hat and gloves if necessary. We are in the first division this year, so please be prompt.

Parents: Please pick up your child at the end of the parade route at The Scranton Club. You must see someone before you can take your child for security reasons. If someone else is picking up your child, please make sure Maureen knows about it before the parade begins.

In case of bad weather:
Use your own judgement..if you have a clear rain ponch you may wear it. Purple Velvet dresses will be worn for mass no matter what the weather. Bring your capes and tan pants in case it rains for the parade. O'Malley Harris building will be open for bathroom use. Don't forget the post parade party at the ICS immediately following our portion of the parade. FOOD, DRINKS AND A DJ.. All are invited...$10 per family please bring a dessert. Thanks

Parade Info {Part 1}

New Mass info:
Anyone participating in the Mass must be in the basement of the cathedral no later than 9:15 on Saturday. This is a change!

Any dancer performing at Webster Towers on Thursday, please arrive by 6:30. Anyone dancing at OLP on Sunday the 16th at 2:00, please arrive by 1:30.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Sunday Dance Postponed

Due to a death at OLP, we will not be dancing there on Sunday. They are trying to reschedule.

I will see all those that signed up for Holy Family at 2:00. We are dancing at 2:30. We will gather in the sitting room at the end of the hall on the right.

Thanks, Maureen

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Directions to Emerald Society

57 Parry Street, Luzerne PA

From I-81 take Exit 170B Wilkes-Barre, onto Route 309N (North Crossvalley Expressway).
Take Exit 6, Luzerne.
Turn Right on Union Street
Turn Right at Kelly Street
Turn Left at Parry St.

View Larger Map

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

No Ceili Friday

No Ceili class Friday.

Parents of the girls dancing out on Friday: Directions to come soon!

Saturday, March 1, 2008

ICS Fundraiser

As you may have heard, we have not been been invited back to Jack Frost for our annual festival. As a result, we are conducting a raffle as our major fund raiser for the year. All members have been asked to sell 20 tickets {voting members 40 tickets}. Please see Patty Carr for tickets, ticket returns or additional tickets.

To those who have taken additional tickets, we thank you for your commitment to the Irish Cultural Society as we work toward a successful fund raiser.

Patty Carr may be contacted at longislandcarr {at} yahoo {dot} com

No Delay

Good Morning! See you at the REGULAR times for dance today, Sat., March 1.

See below to catch up on all the news.

Friday, February 29, 2008

Ceili Cancelled

Mother Nature just does not like Irish Dance...

CEILI is CANCELED tonight.

Everybody practice your two-threes and sevens and we'll try for next time.


Check here for information if there is snow Saturday morning. IF there is a snow delay, the dance schedule will be as follows:

9:00 & 9:30 classes: 11am - noon

10:30 & 1:15 classes: 12:30 - 2

The roads should be clear for 11am. The parade is coming up quickly, and we need to get ready! This schedule is ONLY if there is snow. There will be a post by 7:30 am Saturday stating REGULAR schedule or DELAY schedule.

Friday Update

Don't tell Mother Nature we have Adult Ceili class tonight! Come on over to the ICS tonight to learn some dances for St. Pat's day and have a great time doing it!

There are some adult ICS sashes available for wearing in the parade. They will be at the bar at dance on Saturday.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Saturday, Feb. 23 -- Dance is ON

Good morning!
The parking lot is plowed and salted, so see you at dance this morning.

Don't forget to see Patty Carr, and if you ordered photos, Deb Moran.

See below for the March News.

Friday, February 22, 2008

March News

March is a crazy month for dance. Please take note of the class schedule and always check the blog for updated information.

March 1: Regular classes.
March 8: Cape pick-up Please pick up your capes between 11:00 and 1:00. There will be no classes due to the St Pat’s dinner dance. All dues must be paid in full in order to receive a cape.
March 15: St. Patrick's Day Parade. More info will be distributed as soon as I get it from the parade committee. Be sure you have tan pants and white turtleneck.
March 29: Regular classes.

Performance Dates:
We have been asked to dance at several events in March. Anyone that has a purple dress or purple skirt and cape may sign up to dance. If at all possible, please commit to all performances. It makes it easier on the children.

Dates: Sunday March 2nd @ 2:00 New Seasons, all dancers
Friday March 7th @ 9:00 Luzerne AOH older girls only
Sunday March 9th @ 2:00 Holy Family, all dancers
Thursday March 13th @ 7:00 Webster Towers, all dancers
Please sign up at the bar. There will most likely be extra practices for these performances.

Friday Update

Tonight's Adult Ceili class is canceled due to the weather.

Saturday's dance classes are still on at this time. Check back for updates.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Update For Feburary 23

Don't forget about adult Ceili class on Friday evening. All are welcome. Come and prepare for St. Pat's day and have a great time doing it.

Parents... Please be sure to see Patty Carr when dropping off or picking up your child at dance this weekend.

See you Saturday!

Remember to check here for updates in case of bad weather.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Friday evening Ceili Classes

Had a great turn-out for the first Ceili class. What a great time we had - we learned two dances and just had a blast doing it! {let's see if we remember our two-threes and sevens next week} We'll all be ready for St. Pat's day.

It's not too late! The more the merrier. Come... bring a friend or two... just wear comfy clothes and shoes.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

February News

Congratulations again to everyone on a great show!
Your hard work really paid off.

Remaining Feb. Dates:
March dates will be announced on 2/23

The ICS St. Patrick's Day dinner dance is set for Saturday, March 8. Everyone is welcome. The cost is $20/person. See Patty Carr for tickets.

Adult Dance Classes
I will be holding adult classes every Friday night from 7-8pm. The classes are $5/person and will start on February 15. Bring a friend or two and learn some dances in time for St. Patrick's Day. Wear comfy clothes and shoes and in no time you'll be dancing as well as Beth Hopkins!

Parade Info
All dancers need tan pants, white turtle neck and dress shoes. Each dancer will be given a cape. We will have Irish knit hats and gloves on sale for anyone interested. More info to follow as it's received.


Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Great Show!

February Schedule:
February 9
February 23
{No dance on the 16th}

Congratulations to all the dancers on a great show!!! I'm very proud of all of you. Your hard work really paid off!! Thanks to all the parents for your time and patience! See you on Saturday!

Friday, February 1, 2008

Dress Rehearsal is STILL ON

The dress rehearsal scheduled for tonight at Scranton HS at 5:30pm is STILL ON!
The temperature will begin to rise around noon, changing the precipitation to all rain. They are still expecting us at the school. If anything changes, it will be posted here.

DVD order envelopes are available now. They are to be turned in on Saturday. Cost is $30 for one, $55 for two.

There is still time to order photos. All available packages come with a 5x7 of your child's class. Click here to order online.

Please be prompt tonight. Your child should be in costume tonight. {no makeup/hair tonight}

See you there!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Please remember to check the schedule below for practice times. Please be prompt to practices. See you there!

Monday, January 28, 2008

Count for Cast Party

If you are attending the cast party, please email Maureen { topyorkies at yahoo dot com} with the # of adults and children attending so we can be sure to have enough food and beverages. Thanks!

Friday, January 25, 2008

Recital News

This is going to be a very busy week. Please make sure the children get their rest.

Rehearsal Schedule

At the ICS building. 6pm. ALL DANCERS. Practice should be over at 7:15.

At Scranton High. ALL DANCERS please report at 5:30. The 9 and 9:30 classes will be dismissed at approx. 6:45. All other dancers at approx. 8pm. This is NOT a dress rehersal.

At Scranton High. DRESS REHEARSAL. All dancers come in costume at 5:30. We will follow Thursday's schedule, but may be delayed a bit. Please be patient. The dancers need to be confident and relaxed. No make-up, please. Portraits will be taken tonight. Click here for online ordering of portrait collections.

  • 1:00 class: Please arrive no later than 11:00

  • 10:30 class: Please arrive no later than 12:00

  • 9 and 9:30 classes: Please arrive no later than 12:30
All dancers please come in costume and make-up.

All dancers are asked to wear a dark eyeliner, blush, a light colored eye shadow, mascara and lipstick. We will add the stage make-up. Please be subtle when choosing lipstick and eye shadow colors.

All dancers should arrive with clean and dry hair with nothing in it. {bring a comb or brush} Hair will be fixed for you.

Seating Doors open at 1:30, but do not rush to get a 'good seat'. All the seats are very good. If you sit too close to the stage, you will not see the dancers' feet!

~A special thanks Gretchen Welby and MaryPat Burke for cutting and sewing the sashes, and also to Dr and Mrs Welby for donating the rental fee for the cast party.~

Friday, January 18, 2008

Costume Update

Just FYI from Deb... I ordered skirts and leotards from the two sources listed below on Tuesday afternoon with regular shipping. They arrived today. I ordered a size I leotard for Miss L since she was right on the edge between the S and the I. It fits well.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Extra Practice Cancelled Thursday, Jan 17

The extra practice scheduled for Thursday, Jan 17, for the 9 and 9:30 classes has been canceled due to snow. Let's stay safe and healthy for the show!! See you all on Saturday.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Recital Costumes and Extra Practices

All the dancers need to have a black skirt and long sleeve, turtleneck leotard for the recital. A sample has been ordered. A child's medium fits Maeve K. The items may be ordered at Dancewear Solutions by clicking the links or calling 1-866-542-6500. (NOTE: the words black skirt and long sleeve...leotard and size chart are live links! Click to view the web pages.)

EDIT: Dancewear solutions is currently out of stock for Child's Large Leotards. The others all appear to be in stock. If you need a Child's Large Leotard, go HERE to Discount Dance Supply 1-800-328-7107. As of 2:30pm on Tuesday, they have them (just ordered one). Sadly, they do not carry the skirt.

The Skirt is #SS329 (specify black) Sizes Child: med and lg ($16.95) Adult: s, m, l, and xl ($18.95).

The leotard is #TB41C Children's sizes sm, intermediate or med ($16.50) or TB41 for adult sizes sm, med, lg or xl ($18.95).

Please use the size chart when ordering.

All dancers must have bubble socks and ghillies for the recital.

Extra rehearsals

Monday, Jan 14
10:30 class: 6-7
1:00 class: 6:45 - 8p
Thursday, Jan 17
9:00 class: 5:30 - 6:15
9:30 class: 6 - 7p
Sunday, Jan 20
1:30 class: 1 - 2:30
10:30 class: 2:30 - 3:30
9/9:30 class: 3:30 - 4:30
Wednesday, Jan 23
9/9:30 class: 5:30 - 6:15
10:30 class: 6:15 - 7:15
1:30 class: 6:45 to 8
Sunday, Jan 27
9/9:30 class 12 - 1
10:30 class: 1-2
1:00 class: 2-3:30

Practices at Scranton High will be announced. If additional practices are necessary, as much notice as possible will be given. Check back often for updates.

Friday, January 4, 2008

January News

Happy New Year! I hope everyone had an enjoyable holiday.

Recital News

The recital is fast approaching. We will be starting extra practices next week. Please see the schedule at the bottom of the page. It is important that all dancers attend all practices. If a dancer misses two or more practices he/she will be removed from that dance.

Payments are now due for the recital. All payments are due by February 1st. Payments are as follows:

1 dancer: $100

2 dancers: $125

3 or more dancers: $10 each

Please make all checks payable to ICS Stepdancers and give them to MaryPat Burke, Deb Moran or Jeanne Murphy

All Dance tuition must be up to date for a dancer to participate in the recital. Late fees will be applied to payments that are made after the 1 of the month.

Recital Schedule

Sunday, January 13th……1:30 class…..1:00-2:30 and 10:30 class 2:30-3:30

Sunday, January 20th……1:30 class…..1:00-2:30 and 10:30 class 2:30-3:30

The rest of the schedules will be printed for next weeks class and on the Blog.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Recital is in 4 weeks!

Only 4 weeks until the recital!

All practices are crucial...please be sure to have your children at all classes....we will be starting extra practices very soon be sure to keep checking the blog and the newsletters!!!