Saturday, September 19, 2009

Welcome Back

September Dates:
12, 19, 26
October Dates:
3, 17, 24
November Dates:
7, 14, 21

We will continue to have classes on 3 Saturdays of every month.

Tuition payments are due on the 1st class of each month. A $5/week late fee will be added to any payments received after the first class. Tuition is $35/month. All checks are made payable to Maureen King.

Please arrive on time for class. Late comers are a distraction for everyone.

We will have a parents meeting in October. The date will be announced soon.

If for any reason we cannot have 3 classes in a particular month, we will have 4 classes in another month to make up that class.

Parents - Please do not let you children run through the building. We have had a few accidents and a few 'close calls'. We do not want anyone getting hurt.

Please remember - no jeans, skirts or extra-long sweatpants.

If you have questions or concerns, please email me at topyorkies (at) yahoo (dot) com

Note from Deb:
I still have some portraits from the show. If you have not gotten yours, please see me!

Friday, September 11, 2009

September Dance Classes

Hi Everyone,
Hope you are all enjoyed your Summer Vacation.

Just wanted to let you know that Irish Step Classes will resume on September 12th.

Please have your children come to the class they attended last year.
Class Times:
11:00- 12:00

New students may also come to the 10:00 class or call me for more info. Thanks and see you soon.